Change Now badly needed in community

As you know, the Board of Directors of Change Now closed the program down last week. Not much information is known about this closure. Many of us in the Community had wished for some notice, thus allowing the Community to help solve any issues and/or problems that they may have had.Change Now was and is an important piece of the Community and the Youth Strategy. It was helping young people in this city who were ‘the most at risk’ with shelter and food as well as some recreation activities. If we do lose this program, this city will have taken a step backwards.

I can only hope, as a community we can all step up and come together to work towards either restoring this place or creating a new space. This Centre is close to my heart as my little brother has used Change Now, off and on, for a few years now. I am worried now that if he has troubles again, where we can turn to sleep if he has to.

What the City has in place right now is a (Recreational based) Youth Centre at the Delhi Community Centre (65 Delhi St behind Family and Children Services) It has some similar programs/services that were also provided at Change Now. However, at the moment, it does not have a shelter or dinner program. There is also Community Programs at Onward Willow and several other centres and groups.

You may consider asking the Guelph Youth Centre to help in some form with this situation. These youth need to know that there is still a safe space available to at least go to during the daytime on Delhi.

I hope we can restore this important piece of youth services for our young people and thank you for your support.                      SP


For the last number of years, Change Now has provided critical support to street-involved youth in downtown Guelph. Change Now provided youth (ages
16-21) with 20 shelter beds; and also offered one-to-one support, community
referrals, advocacy, meals, support with housing searches and school, and free recreational activities for youth (ages 13-24) in an inclusive drop-in centre setting.

On Friday, June 15, at 8:30 am, Change Now was forced to close their doors despite funding still being in place. Change Now’s Board of Directors made this decision without providing necessary notice to ensure that safe, alternative shelter could first be found for the 20 youths who were staying there.

In March 2007, United Way of Guelph-Wellington reported that among Canadian street-involved youth, 47% reported having been physically  ssaulted by a family member, and that street-involved youth have 13% higher mortality rate than other youth. Homeless youths are more likely to experience violence and use drugs regularly than those with a safe place to stay. Homeless female youth are 50% more likely than non-homeless female youth to become pregnant. United Way reported that in Guelph-Wellington County there are approximately 200 homeless youth.

It is imperative that Change Now be allowed to open their doors again to provide the much needed shelter and related services for the street-involved
youth of Guelph. The closure of Change Now has deprived youths of access
to safe shelter and relevant services. This community needs Change Now to
continue to nurture youths creating positive changes in their lives.

The Board of Directors has given no indication as to why they have closed
Change Now. Regardless of the nature of their concerns, nothing justifies
making 20 youth homeless and terminating a drop-in centre that provided
countless youths with the support and advocacy needed to help them create
better opportunities for their future. I urge you to quickly respond to this critical situation: support Change Now in re-opening their doors so they can continue to provide a vital service to the street-involved youth of Guelph-Wellington County.

On behalf of all those who greatly depend on these services, I thank you in
advance for your time and consideration.                     JS


Guelph City Council is very concerned about the impact of the closure of Change Now on youth in our community.

The County of Wellington is the service provider for Social Services which provides funding for Change Now. The City of Guelph supports Change Now by providing funds to the County of Wellington. Members of Guelph City Council sit on the Social Services Committee at the County that is responsible for Change Now funding and City Councillor Maggie Laidlaw is the Chair this year.

The City members of the Social Services Committee which include me and Councillors Laidlaw, Bell and Beard will be asking for this issue to be addressed immediately.


Karen Farbridge
Mayor of Guelph