Change Now in Guelph closes

Concerning the closure of Change Now, I request that you devote your collective energies to finding a resolution that will bring about the re-opening of Change Now. It is a service that is extremely valuable to the community and makes a huge difference in the life of many young people in Guelph and from surrounding areas. I volunteered there when I was completing my undergraduate degree and saw how it had a huge beneficial effect on many of people who used the services. It was a shining example of what front-line support agency should do and it altered the courses of many people’s lives in a positive way. From my experience working in social services, government, and poverty law clinics in Toronto, Guelph, and Windsor, I have observed that Change Now is one of the most effective front-line support agencies in the province. This is not a resource that you want to lose. Poverty and homelessness are major issues in Guelph that are not addressed adequately enough, use this opportunity to show that as a city you’re committed to programs that help some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Don’t let this slip away, many people are watching this issue and want to see action that will ensure the re-opening and long-term sustainability of this service. Thank you advance for your time on this matter, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.      AL~~~~~~~~~~~~

To the Governing Bodies of the City of Guelph, its Provincial and Federal Offices, and the Guelph Youth Council Chairmen;

I bid you all good day, my name is Derek Bellamy, a former resident of Guelph, and the County of Wellington and I was informed of something that touched me, and yet also saddened me this evening. At the moment I am now preparing to move to Anchorage, Alaska to attend university there for a Major in Political Sciences, and a Master in Public Administration and Regional Planning. Then to return to Canada and take the same studies here so that I will be aware of the operations of both countries and bring the wealth of knowledge to the better of the people I serve. Something that the ground work was first founded for me in the City of Guelph, through some hard times, and learning experiences that I will never pass up. Yet here I am now ready to move forward in life and found a future in the United States, a family perhaps. One day to return after schooling and enter into the civil service for a city, a province, or perhaps my true dream, the national government.

In August 2007 a close friend of mine moved to Guelph to live with her father, and I the person that I am also moved to Guelph due to the situation at home and to be there for my friend. With little idea of what to do I was intending to live on the street once acquire a job then rent a room within the city and start a new life while helping my friend through some hard times. This was my goal, I had the motivation to reach them but my path was unclear.

Within the first day of arriving to the city I spent a better part of an hour walking around looking for perhaps a shelter or a location where I could stay and frankly it was not something easy and the night was looking towards a small bridge behind the Square Mall downtown near the train tracks. However I was pointed in the direction of a shelter located on “Nox” in the basement of a small church. This shelter was called “Change Now” and surprisingly it was a much more friendlier environment then I would of pictured a youth shelter.

For the first few days I stayed at this shelter to get myself established in the city, speaking and interacting with the staff and residents there I found some interesting friendships and strong encouragement from those charged with the responsibility of watching over the youth. Several of there staff I asked for advice and gave my own opinions into the shelter’s operations and debated my strongest passion. Politics, the assistance of the people and standing up in a public field and defending those who need your help, but also making the tuff calls when needed. They not only helped inspire my desire to move into civil service they gave me suggestion and tools to do so. For this I will always be thankful and wish them all, even those who volunteered there time at the shelter the best in there lives and there own personal and professional goals.

During my stay at change now I was exposed to youth today that are facing a hard time, hard choices. Some are standing at cross roads in there lives and making choices where many of today’s governing bodies did not have to face until later on in there lives. Yet here we are with changing times, and as we have done throughout history adapt to those changes. Our Youth is our future as so many people say these days, and we as a country, and a city need to see those youth are presented with the best chances possible to make the right choices.

With the closure of the “Change Now Youth Shelter” I think that this is a great loss for the assistance the city offers the Youth of Guelph, being a former member of the Guelph Youth Council and being present at the City Council meeting where the idea of a Youth Drop In Center at the current office of the Youth Council and watching the city approve the request to be further researched was a great honor, it was also a pleasure to see the way the Council responded to the youth attempting to change the welfare of there fellow peers, and open an area where Teens, and youth can come and express themselves, all the while interacting with there own peers. Meeting new people. Establishing new connections, and opportunities.

But the question is if those who were at the Council Meeting that damp winter evening needed a place to sleep that they could have good care, under the watchful eye of those who cared about the youth they watched, where would they turn? An adult shelter? A friend? Perhaps the streets? Or perhaps put themselves in a situation that could endanger there welfare. Change Now was an environment that I would return to should the need arise for an emergency and I think the closer of the shelter should be reviewed and revised.

Perhaps another location for the shelter would be warranted? Different guidelines so its rules and residences face the consequences of there actions that more then likely was a factor in the closing of the shelter. I just urge those who sit in office and serve the city to consider what is said within these words. Out of the 20 beds present within that now closed building, if only 1 were to succeed and change there life for the better and help those around them. Would not that be worth the time, the funds, and the effort put into it? Is that not why people serve in office? To do a job where the people they serve, the minority is heard… perhaps the question could be asked to yourself if you’re your child and yourself faced a disagreement where they left home. Where would you want them to be? The streets? Or a caught in the warmth and caring hands of the staff that love there jobs? DB


The closure of the Change Now youth shelter with little warning to staff and residents was shocking and very disappointing. Putting the youth that rely on Change Now in even higher risk situations shows a complete lack of compassion by the city and I would request that you reconsider this decision. Tonight they will all have to find somewhere else to eat, sleep and feel safe.

At least some response to this letter with an explanation for why this has happened would be appreciated.                   CM


1 correspondence removed by request.