City of Guelph bus system

Basically I am writing to you to-day in an effort to push for a review of the decision made to change the bus schedule from 30 to 40 minutes during peak times of the day.

I have written to you in the past expressing this view, however now that an increase in the cost of riding the bus is on the horizon I am deeply saddened.

Correct me if I am wrong but on the side of the buses there is a statement indicating “Operated for the citizens of Guelph” Do you really expect patrons to pay more for less service. I don’t think that you would do that in your personal lives so why is this going to happen. Last week I missed one bus, while shopping downtown, note I said downtown, and had to wait 35 minutes for the next bus. Where are riders supposed to wait for the bus when the weather turns nasty or rainy.

The best solution to the problem, as I see it, is to have buses come into the square, drop off their passengers and then proceed to their next run. That way no one will have to wait more than 15 minutes between buses.
I hope you will take my views into consideration when council is asked to debate anything and everything to do with bus service.

Personally I am walking to and from downtown Guelph whenever possible as I am an active senior. There are others who are not so lucky.                 BP