City overnight street parking evaluation

As winter time approaches and the above subject is fast coming to the final days of its trial period, no doubt City Council will be both providing residents with appropriate messages of ‘ no winter parking’ and also later reviewing its 2008 impact for decisions regarding its c/y 2009 overnight parking policy.

In my case as both a responsible, courteous and UK trained driver , I have some mixed feelings regarding overnight parking and wish to make the following comments, primarily for safety reasons.

1. don’t permit wide trailers, trucks and boats over 6 feet to park overnight. ( If they can afford such large equipment, they can afford off street parking )

2. don’t permit parking on roadways at severe curvatures or inclines, namely where on coming vehicle vision is restricted, the need to weave in and out and especially on roadways where City buses are traveling or narrow streets are present….. example, Auden Road

3. persuade residents who persist in using there garages for anything but storing vehicles overnight to review and hopefully positively reorganise their habits,

4. consider alternative street parking at all times but especially overnight , from on one street side only on either odd or even days,

5. re-evaluate and re-define critical streets as not to be parked on at anytime,

6. in City park areas or similar high volume children’s areas, don’t allow frontage parking for that width on both sides of the street rather than one side only,

7. provide appropriate signage on streets and other city information.

8. re- evaluate maximum driveway width policies to allow safe parking of additional vehicles.

My thoughts ! Hope they are of value !    RA