Comment on the Wal-Mart Application

I am writing with a request that before this proposed zoning amendment is granted the City of Guelph develop a plan, in concert with the Cemetery Board, for mitigation of noise and visual concerns for the Woodlawn Cemetery along Woodlawn Road from the intersection with Woolwich St. to past the railway tracks, thus to include the whole of the proposed new section of the cemetery. The increase of traffic noise because of the enormous increase in commercial use on Woodlawn Road has a direct impact on this jewel of a cemetery.On a number of different occasions over the years, including letters to the editors of our local papers, I have expressed concerns for the impact on people who use the cemetery because of these commercial developments. As one who has conducted many burial services as one of the ministers at Harcourt Memorial United Church (1976-2006) I can attest to the distraction of the traffic. In addition, I have a family member buried in the cremation gardens immediately across from fast food restaurants on Woolwich St. and the beauty of the cemetery and the plastic veneer of those establishments is a jarring contrast.In addition, I have a concern with Schedule 3: Preliminary Concept Plan for Site Development that is included in the package your office provided. It was my understanding that the berms protecting the Marymount Cemetery and the Ignatian farm were to extend across the full length of the property line. As presently drawn they extend only a little more than half way. I would appreciate an explanation of this.

Thank you for considering my concerns.                 JB