Confused columnist

The Mercury: 

I have just recently reviewed Saturday’s column by Mr. Gerry Barker.
Mr. Barker appears to be offering an interpretation of the events relating to the contested council seat in Ward 1 that differs from the facts reported in your newspaper.

Perhaps you could offer a clarification as to the Mercury’s position of the facts?

Ian Findlay

We published a correction related to the column in Tuesday’s Mercury. Thanks for the note.
The Mercury


The following correction appeared in the October 16 edition of the Guelph Mercury:

Kathleen Farrelly was elected as a councillor for Ward 1 in the November 2006 municipal election. Laura Baily requested a recount. It resulted in Baily and Farrelly being tied in votes for the position. Baily captured the seat when her name was pulled from a receptacle by a city staffer in a tiebreaker remedy. Farrelly later unsuccessfully challenged the legality of the process that gave rise to Baily becoming the councillor. Baily and/or her estate incurred costs by participating in that review of the process. Incorrect
information appeared in an item published on page A8 (Gerry Barker) of Saturday’s edition of the Mercury.