Council Votes: Jan 23, 2007

At each Council meeting, a number of votes take place. We strongly believe that Council members should be accessible, accountable and transparent. The recorded voting records of each Council meeting will now be posted for your review.

These following decisions were part of the 2007 budget deliberation process.

Moved by Councillor Kovach
Seconded by Councillor Laidlaw
THAT the expansion package for Litigation Support in the amount of $97,400 not be funded.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Mayor Farbridge (11)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Billings and Wettstein (2)
The motion was defeated.

Moved by Councillor Piper
Seconded by Councillor Billings
THAT the City of Guelph not pre-approve the expansion package for 2008 in the amount of $200,000 with respect to downtown economic development.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Bell, Billings, Findlay, Piper and Salisbury (5)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Beard, Burcher, Farrelly, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (8)
The motion was defeated.

Moved by Councillor Burcher
Seconded by Councillor Wettstein
THAT Council pre-approve $200,000 in the 2008 Operating
Budget for downtown economic development.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Burcher, Farrelly, Hofland, Laidlaw, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (7)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Bell, Billings, Findlay, Kovach, Piper and Salisbury (6)
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Laidlaw
Seconded by Councillor Findlay
THAT one FTE position be approved for the enhanced termite
control program at a cost of $65,200.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (12)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillor Kovach
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Kovach
Seconded by Councillor Laidlaw
THAT the operating budget be reduced by $73,000 to reflect staff vacancy savings.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Billings, Burcher, Farrelly, Kovach, Laidlaw and Mayor Farbridge (7)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Bell, Findlay, Hofland, Piper, Salisbury and Wettstein (6)
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Beard
Seconded by Councillor Burcher
THAT an expansion package for $53,000 for a healthy landscapes
program technician be approved for a two year term, to implement the 2003-2006 Council resolution to continue the Healthy Landscapes Education Program;
AND THAT staff report back to Community Development & Environmental Services Committee with details of an education program for implementation in the spring of 2007.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (12)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillor Kovach (1)
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Billings
Seconded by Councillor Burcher
THAT Corporate Services – Legal Services & Litigation –
SUBBOR be reduced by $700,000.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Billings, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (12)
VOTING AGAINT: Councillor Bell (1)
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Salisbury
Seconded by Councillor Laidlaw
THAT the Transit fares for 2007 be maintained at the current 2006 levels.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Mayor Farbridge (10)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Billings, Kovach and Wettstein (3)
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Laidlaw
Seconded by Councillor Burcher
THAT the recreation fees for City programs remain at the 2006 rates.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Burcher, Farrelly, Hofland, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (10)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Billings, Findlay and Kovach (3)
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Burcher
Seconded by Councillor Findlay
THAT $100,000 be included in the 2007 Tax Supported Capital
Budget as seed money for improvements to the Civic Administration Centre public space;
AND THAT $100,000 from Project RD0167 Wyndham: Carden to Woolwich Street be moved to 2008.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Burcher, Findlay, Hofland, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (10)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Billings, Farrelly and Kovach (3)
The motion was carried.