Council Voting Record April 23, 2007

Moved by Councillor Findlay
Seconded by Councillor Salisbury
THAT Guelph City Council receives the Community Energy Plan from the CEP Consortium;
AND THAT Guelph City Council endorse the Vision, the Goals and the directions provided in the Community Energy Plan as the basis for community energy planning in Guelph;
AND THAT six (6) cross-departmental teams of staff be directed to work with our partners and other stakeholders to implement the directions provided in the Community Energy Plan, and undertake feasibility studies leading to action plans relating to scale projects, and to report back to Council and partner agencies during the third quarter of 2007;
AND THAT the Director of Environmental Services be directed to work with Guelph Hydro to develop a protocol for ensuring overall project coordination, reporting back to partners on progress, future partnership options, advocacy and engaging the community;
AND THAT Garforth International be thanked for their efforts in completing the Community Energy Plan;
AND THAT the Consortium partners be acknowledged and thanked for their leadership in developing Guelph’s Community Energy Plan.

A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (13)
The motion was carried.