Moved by Councillor Burcher
Seconded by Councillor Laidlaw
THAT the City of Guelph object to the current application by River Valley Developments Inc. for a change to their Aggregate Pit License No. 5672 in order to double the annual extraction limit to 1,000,000 tonnes from the DoLime Pit, Township of Guelph/
AND THAT Council reaffirms its position passed at its meeting held June 21, 1999, while recognizing the change in the requested annual tonnage:
WHEREAS citizens living in the area and beyond, moved there with the DoLime Limited activity at its present level;
AND WHEREAS the present level of noise, vibrations and dust has a continuous serious negative effect on citizens;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, based upon serious public complaints received over a number of years relating to the existing level of operations at Guelph DoLime, the City of Guelph strenuously objects to a proposal to expand the extraction activities of Guelph DoLime from 500,000 tonnes per year to 750,000 tonnes per year;
AND THAT the Council resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Natural Resources, Brenda Elliott, M.P.P., Brenda Chamberlain M.P. and the Mayor of Guelph/Eramosa Township;
AND THAT staff be instructed to bring further correspondence regarding this matter forward to Council as it becomes available;
AND THAT the Council resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Liz Sandals, MPP, Brenda Chamberlain, MP and the Mayor of Guelph/Eramosa Township.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Bucher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (13)
The motion was carried.
Moved by Councillor Billings
Seconded by Councillor Piper
THAT the request in the petition, received December 11, 2006 to re-establish a right-in only access from Gordon Street to Essex Street, be refused:
AND THAT no action be taken at this time regarding the access to Waterloo Avenue;
AND THAT staff be directed to utilize a full consultation process at such time when redevelopment within the area occurs.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, and Mayor Farbridge (2)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Bell, Billings, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Wettstein (10)
Councillor Burcher did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter due to her declared possible pecuniary interest.
The motion was defeated.
Moved by Councillor Salisbury
Seconded by Councillor Bell
THAT staff proceed with final design and implementation for access to Essex Street via Waterloo Avenue in keeping with the intent of Option C.
12. Moved in Amendment by Councillor Piper
Seconded by Councillor Laidlaw
THAT access to Essex Street be one-way.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper and Mayor Farbridge (6)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Bell, Billings, Farrelly, Findlay, Salisbury and Wettstein (6)
Councillor Burcher did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter due to her declared possible pecuniary interest.
The motion was lost due to a tied vote.
Moved by Councillor Salisbury
Seconded by Councillor Bell
THAT staff proceed with final design and implementation for access to Essex Street via Waterloo Avenue in keeping with the intent of Option C.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (12)
Councillor Burcher did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter due to her declared possible pecuniary interest.
The motion was carried.