Council Voting Record June 25, 2007

Moved by Councillor Salisbury
Seconded by Councillor Piper
THAT Council reconsider the matter of two hour free parking on-street in the downtown.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Burcher, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (10)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Billings and Kovach (2)
ABSENT: Councillor Laidlaw
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Salisbury
Seconded by Councillor Wettstein
THAT Council receive the Best Practice Review of Municipal Downtown Two Hour Free Parking Programs prepared for Community Design and Development Services by the consultant Barbara Leibel;
AND THAT Staff from Economic Development and Tourism, Operations and Finance be directed to work with representatives of the Downtown Board of Management to develop a two-hour free downtown “pilot” parking program, which includes performance measurements, targets and a communication and marketing program and a public education program;
AND THAT staff report back in six months with a status report on the pilot project;
AND THAT staff be directed that after a twelve month period the “pilot” parking program is to be evaluated within the context of a comprehensive longer-term parking program that supports the implementation of a Community Improvement Plan for the downtown.
A recorded vote was requested, which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Burcher, Findlay, Hofland, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury, Wettstein and Mayor Farbridge (9)
VOTING AGAINST: Councillors Bell, Billings, Farrelly and Kovach (4)
The motion was carried.