Downtown parking garages & Emma St. footbridge

I am compelled to contact you as my Ward Representatives, to communicate to you my concern on how quickly the Wilson Street Parking garage is being
implemented. I don’t understand the reasoning, and I’m going on the
assumption that you supported the decision.

I am concerned about the number of large capital projects the city is taking
on, and how that’s going to affect my taxes. Simple really. I have trouble
wrapping my head around the $30,000 per parking space cost. I don’t believe
the average taxpayer is going to be happy with this information at all.

I also learned today about the city going ahead with building a bridge between Earl and Emma Streets. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this yet, as I’m a property owner one house in from the proposed plan on Earl Street. It could actually be a good thing, but I was surprised that up until today, I hadn’t heard a thing about it. I don’t imagine too many of my neighbours have either.

Any information you can share would be appreciated.     BS


I can understand your concern about the capital projects moving forward. A lot of projects are being approved and it may seem like these are being financed with your money. But funding for these projects comes from various sources.

In so far as the Wilson St. Parking garage is concerned, I did support it. I did so because it is needed to replace the parking spaces lost when the transit hub is built. Presently we have already lost parking in that area due to the work on city hall. This combined with the existing shortage of parking is causing problems with businesses downtown.

If we didn’t approve the Wilson St. Parking garage and went ahead with the Baker St. project we would remove even more parking spaces from the downtown. By completing the Wilson St. Parking before Baker St. we will offset the parking lost from the closure of Baker St.

The cost of capital expenditures usually comes from four sources – user fees from the project itself (parking fees in this case), capital funds that have been set aside in previous years for buildings that have be planned, property taxes and sometimes grants from the Province. Development charges are also often available to help pay for projects but not in this case. I will get information on the actual funding composition in this case and send it to you.

As you may have noticed for the last two years your tax bill has not increased as much as it has in previous years yet more projects have moved forward. The reason that your taxes haven’t increased to pay for the capital expenditures is that money for these projects was previously saved and placed in reserve. Each year reserve funds are set aside to meet the costs of future projects that are required to meet future needs. Council makes final decisions as to the design of these buildings, where they should be located, when they should be built and the final overall plan. The staff formulates the details under the direction of Council and Council then reviews and approves plans based on their understanding of what the majority of residents want and what is best for the City. Many of the capital projects have not moved forward in the past due to Council indecision. This council is making clear decisions based on staff inputs. The money has be set aside for some time and now its time to move forward. That is what we as a Council are doing.

The bridge connecting Emma to Earl will be for bicycle and walking traffic and is actually a continuation of the trail from downtown to the Guelph lake or out to Woodlawn. This trail is part of the trans Canada Trail that should run to the outskirts of Guelph through the cemetery on Woolwich out to Woodlawn. The bridge would allow cycle and pedestrian traffic a connection beside the tracks to downtown that avoids car traffic.
Presently the connection is not really clear and most people cross at the tracks on Speedvale or the lights in front of the fire station. The tracks are not a safe crossing. This bridge will open up a safe crossing to the Emma street area and will allow cyclists and pedestrians to avoid the Speedvale and Woolich intersection.The bridge will be put in after the trail beside the tracks is complete.                Councillor Beard