The City of Guelph Incentives Study was the final report by urbanMetrics, a Toronto based market, economic and strategic planning consulting firm. It was prepared for the Guelph Economic Development Department in December 2005 and has not been released to the public.
Executive Summary highlights include a blueprint for the City to increase tax revenue from the industrial base and residential development in the Downtown.
In essence, how can the City of Guelph make more money.
Recommendations of the Incentives Study report include:
-50% reduction of development charges for those existing Guelph businesses wishing to expand their operations to a different location within Guelph
-support upper storey renovations of existing buildings in the Downtown through the reduction or waiving of development charges, building permits and parking requirements
-more flexible approach to building height, density and design in the downtown
“The over-riding factor in the successful implementation of an incentive program in the City of Guelph will be the initial involvement and ongoing coordination between municipal departments, the public and the development community where all the players are seen as partners in the development of a process that stands to benefit everyone.”
Click here to read the full report: