Guelph gets energized as CEP gets implementated

A number of city-wide activities and initiatives are underway to help Guelph meet the goals outlined in the Community Energy Plan (CEP).

In the past six months, cross-departmental teams of City staff have been working with Guelph Hydro, the University of Guelph, Guelph Environmental Leadership, Terra View Homes and with residents to implement projects that support the goals of the CEP.

A community update report is available online; visit and select the ‘community energy plan’ quick link. The report details the different projects underway in support of Guelph’s CEP, including a number of solar energy projects, integrated water and energy master plans for several geographic locations in the city, and Green Impact Guelph (GIG) – a community outreach project designed to drive energy, water and transportation reductions.

“This is truly a Community Energy Plan, not a City Hall plan,” said Mayor Karen Farbridge. “We are fortunate to have such an extraordinary level of community participation and leadership in its implementation.”

Guelph’s CEP has received international recognition and has had tremendous impact within the city of Guelph and beyond. The 25-year strategy was developed by a community consortium that included the City; gas and electric utilities; business and industry representatives; the University of Guelph; school boards; and Chamber of Commerce, with the assistance of international energy expert Peter Garforth. The Plan’s aim is to secure a healthy, reliable energy future while reducing environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions.