Ingram farmhouse proposal

I would like to express my concern for the proposal that the Ingram farmhouse, on Victoria road, be converted into an affordable housing unit. As a resident of the Northern Heights community I am especially against the suggestion that the park, I paid a premium to live near, is turned from a protected environment for my family and neighbors to enjoy, into someone else’s yard with a park behind it. I did not purchase in this neighborhood to live across from a four-unit low-income building; I purchased in this neighborhood to live across from a beautiful old farmhouse that is used for community purposes. I do agree that it is important to have affordable housing. However, when you develop a neighborhood with the selling feature a beautiful old farm house with park land, and than after people move in, you decide that the funds might not be available for this wonderful feature, and instead consider using it as a money maker, it is just plain wrong. I would like to see the city work with both the Waverly and Brant Avenue neighborhood groups and find a way to best utilize the space for a purpose that would benefit everyone in the neighborhood and not just the bottom line. Thank you for your time and consideration.                FT