New discussion list for youth in Guelph

A new list has been created for discussion about organizing to support youth in Guelph. We hope to further initiatives that have come out of community meetings held since Change Now was shut down and support those currently providing space and services for youth.

Everyone interested in furthering these efforts is welcome to join, there are no requirements to join the list apart from having an email address.

The address for the list is: [email protected]

To subscribe:

1) Send an email to [email protected]
2) You will receive an email with from [email protected] asking you to confirm your subscription.
3) Reply to the confirmation email without making any changes to the
Subject. You are now a member of the list!
NOTE: At the moment, the web interface for the list isn’t working at the
moment, so you can’t confirm by clicking the link in the confirmation
email, you have to confirm by replying.

If you have any questions or have difficulty subscribing, please email
[email protected] for assistance.