Reader Comments

I really appreciated the chance to have a look at the joint councillor blog. It’s clear Sandy Walsh is doing some great work to assist you both in communicating. There are three minor suggestions below, but overall I would just want to encourage you to find a great way to let folks know that the blog is “out there in cyberspace”…


… it sure looks “ready for prime time”


Thanks for putting out the time and energy to work on communicating with constituents better than your predecessors – – and keep up the great work! HP


You look great, Ian and Vicki! Thanks for putting in the food series announcement!

I’m all for bike racks on buses. Cambridge has them – they don’t look very bulky. LS


What a great idea. Ward one could use something like this. MM


This is a really good idea. I would suggest that you explain the value of doing this to all the new City Councillors. BH


So great! We were just saying the other day how something like this is really needed. TF


GRATE IDEAR (sic) !!!!!!!!!!!! UW