What to do with the CFL (not the football kind!)

A concerned resident asks about compact florescent light (CFL) disposal:

I was proud to be a volunteer for Project Porchlight and distribute a number of the 10,000 CFL bulbs to Guelph citizens. I have switched most of my own light bulbs and was spreading the word thinking I was doing a good thing.One of my friends who received a bulb from me sent me the following email and sparked my concern about possible dangers of mercury contamination if a CFL bulb breaks. Project Porchlight staff had said the city would be coming up with a plan of how these bulbs should be disposed of and I would like to hear what the city suggests regarding this and whether they know if this danger is real. If I am directing this concern to the wrong people, please redirect me. I know you are all busy people.I am devoting some of my Earth Day weekend to addressing some environmental concerns. Thank-you for your attention:       CB


A succinct response from staff.

Once Solid Waste receives the required Certificate of Approval amendment to allow it to occur, we will be initiating a CFL light bulb collection program out of the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) building.


More information about CFL’s.