Wildlife Control Alternatives to Trapping

I am recommending a web site that might give Councillors some information on alternatives to lethal and leghold trapping for the residents of Guelph. The Ottawa-Carelton Wildlife Centre provides excellent information on humane human/wildlife conflict resolution and you can view their solutions to wildlife problems at www.wildlifeproblems.ncf.ca

For solutions, look under the menu item: wildlife problems.

There are lots of other excellent web sites that give effective, low cost and humane solutions to human/wildlife conflicts.

For instance, The Humane Society of the United States puts out a highly informative site that deals with solutions for coyotes and also includes information on types of human wildlife control tools: www.hsus.org/wildlife/urban_wildlife_our_wild_neighbors  This site has sections for dealing humanely with every wildlife problem. I have attached a few of that site’s documents above. There’s plenty more that can be helpful. The City may want to consider linking to one or both of these two web sites.                  KL