Youth shelter to open November 5

Starting November 5, 2008, 12 beds will be provided for youth who need them in a temporary shelter located at the former Delhi Community Centre.

The shelter, which will be operated by Wyndham House, will be open every day from 6:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. Its purpose is to provide a safe overnight shelter for at-risk youth in Guelph.

“City Council committed funds for the shelter during last year’s budget process in order to provide supports for local youth in need,” said Mayor Karen Farbridge. “We are moving forward as quickly as possible with the permanent shelter, and in the meantime, we are pleased to be able to offer space at our Delhi Street facility.”

The interim shelter at the Delhi Community Centre will help fill the gap left when Guelph’s former youth shelter, Change Now, closed in 2007. The City plans to open a permanent shelter at 18 Norwich St E, and renovations on this property are scheduled to be complete in spring of 2009.

Youth aged 16 to 21 seeking emergency shelter will be accommodated on a first-come first-served basis. Referrals will be accepted from the youth meal programs at the Norfolk Street United Church or through the Youth Resource Centre on Douglas Street.
Youth at the shelter will have access to 24-hour on-call support and two youth support workers, who will supervise and support youth, will be present daily. A shelter manager will be present weekdays from 3 to 11 p.m.