2008 Budget priorities

I would like offer my opinion on the value of sidewalk plowing as part of the budget priorities discussion.

I believe that the money used for sidewalk snow plowing would be better used elsewhere. Having lived in urban Toronto for a number of years before returning to Guelph, I know that people can and do clear their own sidewalks when it is their responsibility. In fact, sidewalks were almost always in good shape during the winter.

In contrast, our sidewalks may be plowed in Guelph, but more often than not they are a real mess. After the plow packs down the snow, it takes a few days of sun to melt it and turn it to solid ice. On some days, the ‘plowed’ sidewalks are so treacherous that walking on the street makes more sense.

To summarize, I believe most residents are more than capable of keeping their sidewalks clear and those who cannot can either get help from family, neighbours or volunteers, or pay a neighbourhood youth to do the job. My experience has also shown that sidewalks maintained by residents are kept in better condition than those maintained by plows.

Please consider spending this money on more urgent items such as 20 minute bus service.              DS