Category: Traffic Management

City Set to Test Speed Cushions

The following article appeared in the August 28 edition of the Guelph Tribune: The city is planning to test a new type of traffic calming device as part of ongoing efforts to reduce speeds and decrease the amount of traffic short-cutting through neighbourhoods. “Speed cushions,” which recently came onto the market,

MTO says ‘No roundabouts on Hanlon’

Recently, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) held a public open house regarding the upgrading of the Hanlon expressway.  Originally designed to have overpasses at each intersection, improving the design of the Hanlon is now back on the MTO’s radar. Several options were presented at the open house. None included roundabouts. When questioned about this, Stantec […]

Cycling in Guelph

In Today’s (June 6th) edition of the Guelph Mercury, there is an article on cycling in Guelph and some concerns and ideas raised.In my opinion, Guelph has been a leader in proving Cyclists a coordinated, safe, and accessible bike network to ride in for many years. This is something that many of my friends from […]