Higher taxes

I must add my opinion about higher taxes Please don’t over spend our money. Suggestions:
1— We do not need a fountain/rink in front of City Hall
2— Why should buildings on Wyndham St be demolished to build the Library, when a vacant lot is right behind those businesses, The business could relocate to any other
part of the city for lower rent, which could take away from downtown altogether.
PLEASE publish the number of all patrons at all library locations throughout the city not just those who use the main location. I only use Eramosa Rd. location, and resent my taxes only going downtown. We can certainly use more locations around town for convenience sake.
I am a lifetime guelphite, and totally believe in keeping Downtown vibrant, and do shop there,as well as attend most activities that are held there, but I do understand the younger families wanting facilities in there own part of town, for their convenience.
3— Please keep our Hydro Co. the way it has been functioning and making money for us all these years. Ask Hazel McCallum why she would not change when approached, they have no debt and were aware that they could go in debt if they joined another supplier. Hamilton doesn’t seem to be doing all that well since they changed. Let’s learn by other’s mistakes & knowledge.      HD