Author: IanFindley

Ward 4 concern about Nestle PTTW

As a resident of Guelph and caring steward of our watershed resources – I am opposed to this application. It goes against the Ontario Water Resources Act, Places to Grow Act, riparian owners and inherent rights of the citizens within the watershed. What about source water protection?

Wal-Mart and Traffic

A constituent writes: re: Zoning Amendment application from 6&7 Developments Ltd for the property municipally known as 0 Woodlawn Road West and Developments Ltd for the property municipally known as 0 Woodlawn Road West and 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Reference Plan 61R-9980, City of Guelph. Three years ago I stood before a […]

Museum on the O/R Lands

A constituent writes about: The Issue of the Guelph Correctional Centre and Wellington Detention Centre Lands The process is well underway, and the various interested parties are lined up vying for the acreage. The Province and the City have been working away to achieve their objectives, and satisfy as many as they can.

Nestle PTTW Concern

I have been informed that an application was posted on April 2, 2007 on Ontario’s Environmental Registry for a renewal of Nestle’s permit to take water from Aberfoyle, Ontario. They want to take 3.6 million litres per day 365 days a year for 5 years. I was part of the stop the pipeline camapign and […]

Guelph’s Water and Nestle

A constituent’s response to Nestle’s application for a Permit to take Water (PTTW) from Guelph’s aquifer: Nestle’s PTTW application for renewal has raised many concerns with the citizens of Guelph and the surrounding area. One of the principles of the PTTW program is the control of water taking to prevent interference with other water users. Nestle […]

Hangin’ out our laundry

Has the time come to introduce the clothes line to new developments? A constituent thinks so: According to the CBC, today is a day when Canadians can celebrate “hanging out the laundry”. When we realized the laundry referred to was clothes and not politics we were nonetheless interested in hearing opinions on hung laundry across this country.

Nestle’s Water Taking Permit

A constituent’s observations: The City obtained an extension of the comment period for the Dolime quarry. Since priority is given to municipal uses of water, can’t the same thing happen here? While the water-taking may not be impacting on the current supply, I definitely feel this is an opportunity for a political response.